A loci standi of been beside self
The solitude of creation, when a man’s mantra is doomed
An exceptional status of been dead to life
A stage, where the hypocrisies of life are made real
An act of accounting transparency in love mirror
A reflective retrospect of prospective perception
A man is never alone but in his loneliness, he is insensitive to other elements of life, thereby
confiscating his liberty of meditation through mortgaging his thought. The myopia of man bores his euphoria of love. All men
have an alternative, which is the spice of life, Choice, the only key to varieties of life at a time.
It’s not an act of been alone, even in the midst of others, but the desertification of
the mind. The tragedy is that of its influence in our affluence. This scene of life is avoidably non-gratia, but we clasp
it, because of our hypocrisy in life. Our secrets patronise this sacred state of being. It’s the most unproductive status
of life, unmediated.
Since life is once lived, its stillness is unpatriotic. Hence, life’s worth been joyous;
any short of this expectation is a great loss in all aspects. The lust of life can be constructively achieved, if we live
a love oriented life. Life’s a history of our achievements/activities/events, which does not harbour loneliness –
susceptible part of living.
Life’s a script written by God and was corrected after creation, that “it’s
not good (Godly), for a man to be lonely”. This is the basis of this write-up that anyone living in loneliness by status
quo is living in err, but since it’s human, let’s ask the divinity of providence. A tree can not be a forest,
This is one word that people pay less attention, but has the greatest intentions of people. Every
invention seems to find its alternative, but it has proven it’s validity beyond every reasonable doubt against all odds,
irrespective of the technique. A book is the most accurate means of communication, whether data, graphical, literal, oral
or pictured.
A friend said to me, “the ‘fadest’ ink is brighter than the brightest brain”;
and Mom says, “Electronic gadgets get drunk, when the chips are down”; while its undisputable that ‘writing
is an art of God’s creativity’. I’ve tried to do and act to the best of my knowledge without ink & paper
in futility, so I’ve come to understandably realise that the power of skilfulness’ an writing…
It’s obvious that people find it tedious to deal with books compared to other arts of communication,
but effectiveness of communication is in its documentation. The role of advance technology is no doubt a promotion of the
ink & paper. And the basis of this is that “the world will phase out without books”.
Great wealth of wisdom, cultures, beliefs, virtues and vices has been polished over the years
by the records. I’ve known a friend in Abraham not in his lifetime, but in the classic record of his lifetime. Africa is termed a black race not
of its complex colouration, but by the fact that records of history were narrated without proper documentation to the tune
of its narrator through generations.
Christianity is the greatest way in the world because of its light, as evident in the belief
through the ages of the bible, which stands true. Virtues and vices has been categorise into dos and don’ts by history
of books. And this shall pass away that “there’s nothing new by the books”. Books are the greatest treasure
of generation. READ A BOOK A DAY.
It has no finite definition, but synonymous. It’s said to be the difference of good and
bad. It’s the most sensitive part of livelihood. Everyone is a light, but their intensity (ability to illuminate) makes
the difference.
It’s a common mistake to assume daylight as sunlight, which is meant to rule the day. There
are 12hours in the day, as the day can be calculated from the daylight through the activities of man on earth to that of creatures
in sea, even in the life of plants.
Obviously observed is the fact that light is exciting. A ray of light can change a state of being.
Every light has its propensity which determines its intensity. The characteristics of light are in exhaustible though distinctive.
The warmth of light makes it an incubator of life. A love without light congeals.
The most interesting quality of light is that it brings out the beauty of whatever reflects it
i.e. it has no physical attribute but assumes the properties of its reflector; hence, a light is invisible in vacuity i.e.
if it’s not reflected. Nevertheless, the uniqueness of light is its ability to illuminate. So, it’s not enough
to be a light but lighten others.
Light has the greatest speed, because its movement is incomprehensibly based on the ability of
its reflector. It’s more than sight, because even the blind live by the light. It exist in different forms like natural,
literal, electrical, philosophical, emotional, spiritual, mechanical etc In whatever form, it accomplishes the same function
for different purpose.
The uniqueness of light is in diversity, as it transcends all with its numerous colours radiating
as one - no matter the size or form, it makes a difference. Glory is not ability to reflect light, but lighting others. Time
& season affects light as night, but there’s a light that glisten in a flight, IT’S LOVE.
The magical blossom that brightens our mood. The interesting character of flower is not the colours
& petals, but that it suits all occasions. The miracle of it lies in the fact that even the artificial ones have a similar
effect & sense of humour.
The flower is not the fruit, but beauty of a plant, yet it’s cherished and adored more
than the fruit. It’s the fore runner of the fruit, as a sign of maturity, so its significance can not be exaggerated.
Even weeds that bore flowers are adorable. Its charming nature leaves a smile on faces. As small as it may be, a flower may
take more glory than the resources of the plant.
Hence, it’s penitent to say that a flower is that aspect of life that radiates joy, which
is implacable in living things. Everyone has a seasonal flower, though it whither & it’s trampled, it blossoms in
the mind of the beholder. The flower thought seasonal varies with individuals and it’s sustained by character.
No matter the height of a man, the beacon of his glory is flower. And irrespective of how this
flower is plucked, it keeps producing as long as there’s life. It’s interesting to note that spectra of this flower
illuminate its environment. Life’s a plant, God gives the increase of its fruit, but the flower is the landmark of its
All men have a talent (FLOWER), but his ability to work (shine) with it rest on his resolution.
No matter how many flowers are in a garden, the beauty is never clumsy i.e. the gift of man makes room for him, so his uniqueness
lies in his blossoming. Life is beautiful, isn’t it? ENJOY YOUR BOSOM BLOSSOMNESS.
It’s a being in life, so there’s no life in isolation. Everyone needs to relate at
different levels, as an evidence of living, since livelihood is a function of interactive elements. A life without relationship
is just existing i.e. stagnantly dormant. We live in relation to others, so life’s relative.
Once a Bishop of mine, told me that living would have been easier, if people were to live in
their colonies of religion, tribe, race, etc, but that it won’t be complete, hence it’s competence is complemented
by it’s configurative/customised compatibility… life’s an icon of the complexity of the human system, so
is living.
It’s observed that the relationship between water and wind can’t be better appreciated
without a storm, as in man and woman. The storms of life are the stomps of achievement; a step in a storm is a stride. Beyond
the cognition of man is the wisdom of the complexity of nature, as experienced from tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunami, earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, eclipses, droughts, famines & seasons.
The deeds and needs of life are differentiated by relationships. The bits of life are hits of
our relationship, as there would be no history without events. There’s none known in solitude but in his ability to
relay his meditation. Success is a function of relationship, so the benchmark of the victor/vanquished is an attribute of
Since, all about living in life is a basic foundation of our relationship, it’s obvious
then that the only means to an expected end is thereby hinged on how we relate with others. When I was younger, my satisfactory
status of protest was isolation, but then I didn’t understand the force that pulls me to admire communism. Though, I
tried to relate independently, I found myself in the flow of this current like a dog to its vomit. I love been unique in all
relative ramification especially communicatively, but living makes me lean on the varieties of the factors of life.